The Ist, IId, IIId & IVth Boards

A small homage to the earlier boards.

Fourth board (2020)

Starting on the left: Moïse Veldema (commissioner of external affairs), Max Trommelen (secretary), Merlijn Barkema (chair), Martijn van der Veen (commissioner of internal affairs) en Estel van den Berg (treasurer).

Third board (2019)

Starting on the left: Roan Balleur (commissioner of external affairs, until november 2019), Thirza van Hofwegen (secretary), Sabrina van den Brink (chair), Wouter Meinen (treasurer), Merel Hol (commissioner of internal affairs)

The second Board (2018)

Starting on the left: Freek Dijkstra (commissioner of internal affairs), Rutger Postma (treasurer), Fiona de Vries (chair), Mees Roelofs (secretary), Harmen de Jong (commissioner of external affairs)

The first board (2017)

Starting on the left: Thomas van Gaalen (commissioner of internal affairs), Pim Sierink (commissioner of external affairs), Marijn Smid (chair until juni 2017), Ivo Verhoef (treasurer & chair starting juni 2017), Annika van Bodegraven (secretary)